This A4 plastic Snack and Drink Choice board comes with a selection of 15 common snacks and drinks. A few options can be placed on the board from which the person can choose. The number placed on the board is dependent on the abilities of the person it is being used to support. Some people will be able to make a meaningful choice if there is only a couple of options from which they can choose, whereas some people will be able to choose from a much greater number of options. A variety of healthy options are included to encourage a healthy mindset and positive choice making. The board is suitable for both children and adults alike, as there are also options for hot drinks such as tea and coffee.Being able to make basic choices about their lives is often a source of much frustration for many autistic and non-verbal people. Even those that can communicate verbally to a limited extent will often have trouble making choices. Echolalia is common amongst those on the spectrum, and so when presented with a verbal choice they will often simply repeat the last thing they heard. This can appear to be them making a choice, however if this is not what they actually mean then treating this as an actual choice they are making can lead to increasing frustration and confusion.Each plastic symbol is 4.5cm square, with rounded corners to prevent scratches, and attaches to the board with hook and loop fasteners.Designed initially for autistic children, it has been used successfully with a wide age range and also alternative diagnoses such as learning disabilities, ADHD, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and even dementia. It has also been used in pre-schools and other early years setting extremely successfully. Being made from plastic means that both the board and symbols are flexible, yet remain strong and extremely durable.This product is part of the Autism Supplies and Developments range of visual communication aids, which were originally designed to help our own autistic son. With over 30 years professional and personal experience being with those on the spectrum, you can be sure that these products are well designed and helpful.
3 weeks ago
1 month ago